Leisure Services Master Plan

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Stouffville has updated its Leisure Services Master Plan! The updated Master Plan celebrates the Town’s successes to date and addresses future needs and opportunities for leisure, recreation, sports, and culture.

The Master Plan is an opportunity to maximize access to recreation services, cultural activities and events, and guide investment in the years ahead. Originally prepared in 2018, an update to this plan was required in light of strong growth in population and diversity the Town had been experiencing.

Master Plan recommendations provide guidance to the Town Council and staff for sustainable future development, redevelopment, on‐going maintenance and enhancement of Stouffville’s parkland resources, open space, natural environment, recreation facilities, and recreation programs and services.

The Town commissioned Sierra Planning and Management to review and update Leisure Services Master Plan & Strategic Plan.

Master Plan Scope

  • Indoor Facilities
    • Community Centres
    • Arenas
    • Aquatics
    • Gymnasia
    • Community Halls
  • Outdoor Facilities
    • Sport Fields
    • Sport Courts
    • Outdoor Play
    • Splash Pads
    • Playgrounds
    • Emerging Sports
  • Parkland, Open Space & Trails
    • Active & Passive Parks & Open Space
    • Trail Network
    • Unique Amenities
  • Service Delivery
    • Service Standards
    • Programming
    • Internal & External Partnerships
  • Cultural Assets, Events & Programs
    • Cultural Facilities
    • Programs
    • Events

Master Plan Process

Phase 1: Situational Analysis & Engagement (May - June 2022)

  • Background Review
  • Community Engagement
  • Environmental Scan

Phase 2: Options & Directions (June - July 2022)

  • Needs Analysis
  • Future Opportunities
  • Key Directions

Phase 3: Master Plan Development

  • Consultation on Key Directions
  • Recommendations
  • Plan Development

Get Involved!

It was important that the Leisure Services Master Plan reflected the needs and priorities of Stouffville’s residents. The project team engaged the public and community stakeholders in a variety of ways to identify current needs, issues and priorities for leisure, culture, recreation, and parks in the Town.

The project engaged the public through consultation sessions and surveys.

  • June 16, 2022 - Members of the public

    • Participated in the Community Engagement Launch – for all interested in leisure, recreation, sports, parks and culture
    • A Leisure Services Survey was available for members of the public to contribute comments and opinions.

  • June 6 & 7, 2022 - Organizations and community groups

    • Meetings with organizations and community groups in leisure, recreation, and culture
    • Online Survey of organizations and community groups

Stouffville has updated its Leisure Services Master Plan! The updated Master Plan celebrates the Town’s successes to date and addresses future needs and opportunities for leisure, recreation, sports, and culture.

The Master Plan is an opportunity to maximize access to recreation services, cultural activities and events, and guide investment in the years ahead. Originally prepared in 2018, an update to this plan was required in light of strong growth in population and diversity the Town had been experiencing.

Master Plan recommendations provide guidance to the Town Council and staff for sustainable future development, redevelopment, on‐going maintenance and enhancement of Stouffville’s parkland resources, open space, natural environment, recreation facilities, and recreation programs and services.

The Town commissioned Sierra Planning and Management to review and update Leisure Services Master Plan & Strategic Plan.

Master Plan Scope

  • Indoor Facilities
    • Community Centres
    • Arenas
    • Aquatics
    • Gymnasia
    • Community Halls
  • Outdoor Facilities
    • Sport Fields
    • Sport Courts
    • Outdoor Play
    • Splash Pads
    • Playgrounds
    • Emerging Sports
  • Parkland, Open Space & Trails
    • Active & Passive Parks & Open Space
    • Trail Network
    • Unique Amenities
  • Service Delivery
    • Service Standards
    • Programming
    • Internal & External Partnerships
  • Cultural Assets, Events & Programs
    • Cultural Facilities
    • Programs
    • Events

Master Plan Process

Phase 1: Situational Analysis & Engagement (May - June 2022)

  • Background Review
  • Community Engagement
  • Environmental Scan

Phase 2: Options & Directions (June - July 2022)

  • Needs Analysis
  • Future Opportunities
  • Key Directions

Phase 3: Master Plan Development

  • Consultation on Key Directions
  • Recommendations
  • Plan Development

Get Involved!

It was important that the Leisure Services Master Plan reflected the needs and priorities of Stouffville’s residents. The project team engaged the public and community stakeholders in a variety of ways to identify current needs, issues and priorities for leisure, culture, recreation, and parks in the Town.

The project engaged the public through consultation sessions and surveys.

  • June 16, 2022 - Members of the public

    • Participated in the Community Engagement Launch – for all interested in leisure, recreation, sports, parks and culture
    • A Leisure Services Survey was available for members of the public to contribute comments and opinions.

  • June 6 & 7, 2022 - Organizations and community groups

    • Meetings with organizations and community groups in leisure, recreation, and culture
    • Online Survey of organizations and community groups

Page last updated: 27 May 2024, 02:39 PM